Welcome to A Moravian Christmas

For Moravians, celebrating Christmas means a packed church, beautiful music, joyous singing, beeswax candles, sharing a Lovefeast, meaningful liturgy and inspirational worship. To celebrate congregations and Moravians everywhere , we've collected liturgies, activities, music  and more that help demonstrate a Moravian Christmas...

Worship with Us

Like many churches, our Moravian congregations will be worshiping differently this year. Whether through virtual or with limited in-person services (or a combination of both!), our churches are working to make Christmas Eve services special. 

We are currently collecting 2023 Lovefeast Service information; see the latest updates at   www.moravianlovefeast.org


First sunday of advent

Join us for a weekly Advent Candle lighting, offered by Edmonton Moravian Church.  The First Sunday of Advent is Dec. 3. These videos are also available for download and use by Moravian congregations here.


advent calendar with a Mission

This year, as the Board of World Mission is working with our partners to provide clean drinking water to five villages in La Moskitia, Honduras through our Blessings Flow project we have created an Advent calendar to encourage Moravians throughout the U.S. and Canada to allow their blessings to be a blessing to those without access to clean water.

Follow along with the calendar by downloading the printable version (click here) or have the daily prompts sent through email or text. Follow the Board of World Mission on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates there, to

To learn more and participate, visit moravianmission.org


Christmas Vespers

Moravian College & Theological Seminary continues their tradition of Christmas Vespers. Music performed by Moravian students, in concert with the choir and musical ensembles, ushers in the holiday season for the Moravian community.  

The 2021 Vespers service was recorded on Dec. 4, 2021. Enjoy!


The 1995 Moravian Book of Worship features three key liturgies for use during Advent and Christmas.  Moravian Congregations can access print and music files for use in creating creative worship during this Advent and Christmas Season.

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Moravian music, performed by Moravians -- here you will find hymns for Advent and Christmas, including hymn texts and music recordings, for  use by Moravian congregations. We feature both traditional Moravian Christmas music and creative new material.

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Looking for the perfect image for your service, web promotion or printed materials? We've put together a collection of Moravian-themed images for use by congregations and agencies.

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advent reading services

In 2020, agencies from across the Moravian Church presented virtual Advent Reading Services. These readings services combine Bible verses for Advent with Moravian hymns to offer a new way to experience Advent. We invite you to revisit them during Advent 2021.

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preparing for advent

Gathering each week to light the next candle on the Advent Wreath is a fun and meaningful way to mark the coming of Christmas. Our Christian Educators have assembled ideas and activities to celebrate the Advent Season!

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A Virtual Christmas Pageant

Hear the Christmas story in a fun new way with "The Best Virtual Christmas Pageant Ever!" Performed by Moravians from North Carolina, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Alberta, Canada, the retelling presents a lighter side view of the birth of Jesus.  Written by Kirk Woodard and Martha Day.

Enjoy our world premiere!

God, who said, "Let Light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ.

Christmas Liturgy, Moravian Book of Worship